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Journal of archaeology and ancient architecture

Ancient texts and sources


Bibliotheca Augustana

The website, distinguished for its high-quality graphics, contains several Greek, Roman and Late Antiquity sources, organized in chronological order. Each entry is provided with the original ancient source, bibliography and main commentaries. It is worth mentioning the page related to the Tabula Peutingeriana, with high-resolution images.
In Latin language.


LacusCurtius, il mondo romano

The website is mainly dedicated to Rome and includes a selection of Roman authors’ texts, usually in the English translation and some, for instance De Architectura, also in Latin language. Besides, the website republished several relevant publications on Rome, such as The Roman Forum by Christian Hülsen (1905) and Pictorial Dictionary of Ancient Rome by Samuel B. Platner and Thomas Ashby (1929), both provided with analytical index. Another important volume is  Pagan and Christian Rome, by Rodolfo Lanciani (1892). Lately, volumes with different topics have been added, such as The Tomb of Mausolus by W.R. Lethaby, London 1908, Geography by Strabo and by Ptolemy, Description de l’Afrique et de l’Espagne by the Arab al-Idrisi, in the French translation by Reinhart P.A. Dozy and Michaël J. de Goeje (1969).
In English language and, only partially, in Italian.


Perseus Digital Library

The Digital Library of the Perseus Project, realized and implemented by Tufts University since 1987, aims to create an archive containing most relevant texts in classical culture in the Mediterranean area. In the website it is possible to freely consult available texts with English translation as well. Moreover, the website provides a dictionary accessible by clicking on any term included in the original texts.
In English language.