Author: L. Altomare

Download article as .pdf: Tecniche costruttive in muratura tra Crotoniatide e Metapontino. L’edilizia domestica del VII e VI sec. a.C.

The proposed study examines the evidence of domestic masonry architecture developing between the 7th and 6th centuries B.C. in the context of the Achaean-Oenotrian area, in the Ionian arc between the Crotonian and Metapontine regions. The structural features of the masonry building model in the phases of its introduction are contextualized on a case-by-case basis, through the filing of individual evidences and the recording of technical characteristics. The typological reconstruction of masonry construction techniques is presented and comparisons between different models are made to identify recurrences between systems. From this analysis, overall considerations and interpretive reconstructions are proposed, leading from documentary evidence to the general framing of the events. A specific focus concerns the structures found in the recent excavations of the University of Calabria in the Timpone della Motta settlement of Francavilla Marittima (CS), at which the writer works in the role of head of field activities. The new research returns numerous data related to building techniques and the organization of the settlement fabric, in a context, that of the habitation, until now little known on the level of archaeological documentation.