
Luigi M. Caliò, Jacques des Courtils (a cura di), con la collaborazione di Francesca Leoni, L’architettura greca in Occidente nel III secolo a.C., Thiasos Monografie 8, Roma 2017, pp. 432.

ISBN 978-88-7140-787-6, e-ISBN 978-88-7140-786-9

The interpretation of the Western Hellenistic culture represents a mainly epistemological problem. The division of the disciplines in which the ancient western world is separated, among the different archaeologies (Greek, Etruscan, Italic, Roman, Illyric), do not give account of a phenomenon that instead has, in the sharing of features and themes, its own peculiarities. Necessarily a model is born in which the concept of Romanization or Hellenization are no longer feasible. The phenomenon lives instead on cultural paradigms that are wide and common to all the ethnic components that act in Italy. Of course there is a Greek matrix, but already the Western Greece was living with highly autonomous and peculiar elements with respect to the Motherland. The 3rd century is the period in which this new koinè finds renewed incentive by important actors such as Rome, Agathocle and Hieron II in Sicily and the Molossian dynasty in Epirus, Magna Graecia and Taranto. The conference then investigates this complex situation by providing data on recent research on the topic.

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