Rome, Royal Netherlands Institute, Via Omero 10-12

October 12, 10.30-18.30h

Testaccio is an urban district within a stone’s throw from the historical centre of Rome. It houses a number of famous classical monuments, such as the Cestian Pyramid and the Monte Testaccio. In ancient times the area was the river harbour of the city. In the early 20th century it was covered by blocks of flats, accomodating the labourers so crucial to Rome’s city development. The International workshop on October 12th, organized by KNIR and by the Soprintendenza Speciale dei Beni Archeologici di Roma, brings together researchers from Italy, the Netherlands and other countries, working, amongst others, on the creation of a Spatial Data Infrastructure, archival research, excavations and urban design. The final aim is to investigate the urban landscape as a palimpsest of closely interwoven histories and to study how these can be integrated into the modern city.

At 17.30, public lecture by Gert-Jan Burgers on “Challenging Eternity: Classical Archaeology and Modern Society”, in occasion of the start of his mandate as Director of the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome.


Download the poster in .pdf: workshop 12 ottobre Challenging Testaccio


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tel. 0039-06-3269621