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Journal of archaeology and ancient architecture


Conference: Ancient Macedonia: the birth of Hellenism at the origins of Europe

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immagine-webThe International Conference was born out of synergy between the organizing committee, the Archaeology Department of the Aristotelis University of Thessaloniki and the Hellenic Superintendence of Antiquities. The actual archaeological researches in Northern Greece, due to the importance of the new discoveries and the restoration projects, stimulate this moment of debate on the complex theme of the development of urban form in Ancient Macedonia, on the definition of a new political system, such as the Hellenistic court, within an historical period of the Mediterranean which represents a turning point at the origin of Europe cultural traits.


Rome, La Sapienza University, Faculty of Humanities

Odeion Hall, 14-15 December 2017


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Exhibition: Hadrian and Athens. Conversing with an Ideal World

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immagine-webOrganized by the National Archaeological Museum and the Italian Archaeological School in Athens, the exhibition marks the 1900 years since the beginning of Adrian’s Principate in AD 117, an anniversary that was celebrated by major European museums and cultural institutions. It will be open to the public from 28/11/2017 to 31/12/2018.


Athens, National Archaeological Museum, 44 Patission street


For further information: press release 

Conference “Ancient Egypt and Ancient Near East: between past and future”

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allegoriaPisa – 5th and 6th of June 2017
The aim is a critical revision of Ancient Oriental Studies in Italy, in the past and their future perspectives. With the aim of fostering discussion and making the debate wider, a series of key-note papers will be given by some of the most eminent Italian scholars in Egyptology and Ancient Near East: Edda Bresciani, Riccardo Contini, Stefano De Martino, Mario Liverani, Paolo Matthiae, Stefania Mazzoni,  Lucio Milano, Clelia Mora, Patrizia Piacentini, Francesco Pomponio. Beside these, short lectures on five targeted topics will be held by other scholars leading the field.


Participation to the event is free of charge but online registration is mandatory:

The deadline for signing up is May 15. All the lectures will be given in Italian.


The Organising Committee
Prof. Marilina Betrò, Dr. Gianluca Miniaci (University of Pisa)
Prof. Stefano De Martino (University of Turin)
Prof. Frances Pinnock (University La Sapienza – Rome)


Organising institution:
University of Pisa
Dipartimento di Civiltà e Forme del Sapere
Via Pasquale Paoli, 15 / Via Trieste, 38 Pisa 56126

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Conference ” Middle Republican Rome: from the conquest of Veii to the Battle of Zama”

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figuraRome, April, 5-7, 2017

The conference, organized by the MIBACT, the University of Rome “Sapienza” and the British School at Rome, aims to provide an updated overview of the results of archaeological research and studies which, based on sources and institutions of the Res Publica, comes to the definition of infrastructures, sacred and secular spaces, forms of production, consumption and trade of the city of Rome between 4th  and 3rd  centuries BC.


April 5: Sapienza Università di Roma, sala Odeion

April 6-7: British School at Rome


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