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Journal of archaeology and ancient architecture


Inauguration: Archaeological Museum of Torre Mordillo in Spezzano Albanese (Cosenza)

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torre restaurata1Today, January 9, at 17:00 at the Palazzo Luci in Spezzano Albanese, a meeting-debate will be held for the presentation of the archaeological area of ​​Torre Mordillo, one of the most important archaeological sites in Calabria, however little known due to a lack of maintenance action. The recent works have finally given a clear view of the defensive circuit, placed to protect a pre-Roman settlement that controlled the passage ways to and from the plain of Sybaris. This program also included the restoration of the medieval tower, the ancient Torre Mordillo, probably of Norman period (XI century AD).


The Mayor, Ferdinando Nociti, Paul Vitti designer and project manager, Alessandro D’Alessio of the Superintendence for the Colosseum and the archaeological area of ​​Rome, Marilena Cerzoso, director of the museum of Cosenza, and Simone Marino, of the Archaeological  Superintendence of Calabria, will be present at the meeting,  organized by the City Council and moderated by Adele Filice, journalist.


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A new on line platform: ASA – Ancient Sculpture Association

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ImageThe Ancient Sculpture Association is a new international platform aiming to promote the study of ancient sculpture. In universities around the world, sculpture has a somewhat dusty image, as a topic that used to be in vogue in nineteenth-century archaeological scholarship. That this image is unjustified is clear from exciting recent studies in both the appearance and meaning of ancient sculpture. Statues had and have a life of their own, which makes them invaluable tools in studying the society that produced them, and teaches us much about people of the past, as well as present.

The importance of bringing the fascination of ancient sculpture back to both general and specialist audiences has become clear over the past years by the rapid loss of ancient statues to purposeful destruction in Africa and the Near East, as well as to looting all over the world. Sculpture, like other ancient artefacts, tells us where we come from, and its preservation is the preservation of our pasts.


The ASA ( will be officially launched on December 4th, 2015, at the conference “War, Identity and Cultural Heritage” at University College Roosevelt in Middelburg, The Netherlands ( rogram/Research/kairos/Pages/News.aspx).


For more information see the news section at the website:

Call for papers: Hagnos, Miasma and Katharsis. Journey between the categories of pure and impure in the imaginary of the Ancient World

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ImmagineOrganized by the University of Cagliari in collaboration with the University of Grenobe-Alpes, the study days intended to examine the state of the question of studies about ancient exegesis of the phenomena related to the sphere of pure and impure through a cross analysis image, documentary and literary sources.

The conference, sponsored by the Department of History, Cultural Heritage and Territory of the University of Cagliari, involves Eikonikos-laboratory of iconography and iconology of the classical world and the School of Specialization in Archaeological Heritage of the same university.


Cagliari, the Citadel of Museums: 4-6 May 2016

Deadline for submission of abstracts: January 31, 2016.


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Conference: The Persistence of Memory. Experiencing the historical landscape

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grego15 programma Web copia (1) (2)The Archaeological Park of the Valley of the Temples in Agrigento is organizing on 27 and 28 November next, at Casa Sanfilippo (Agrigento), the ninth edition of the Gregorian Days, an annual event on research and conservation of cultural heritage. To discuss this year’s theme, “The Persistence of Memory. Experiencing the historic landscape”, archaeologists, landscape architects, agronomists and geologists will attend.


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Conference: Cultural heritage in territory of war: the Palmyra case

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DSC_0013Organized by the student association Link of the Polytechnic University of Bari, in collaboration with the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture (DICAR) and the School of Specialization in Architectural Heritage and Landscape of the Polytechnic University of Bari.


Speakers: Giorgio Rocco, Maria Teresa Grassi Lorenzo Nigro, Annalinda Neglia, Alessandro Iacovuzzi


Friday, November 27, 15:00, Aula Magna Domus Sapientiae, Department ICAR, via Orabona 4, Bari


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Call for paper: Theatroeides. Images of city – City of images

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Locandina ENGL  per sitoThe Hellenistic city develops a new clear theatrical character, and the visual impact becomes the key point. This is carried out through new ways of architecture design and building practice, which pay more attention to the monumental complex than to the single building, in an attempt to reach a renewed social and political visibility. The city adopts an architecture that becomes the stage of urban life through perspectives, designed landscapes, and backgrounds. Architectural and urban design is now a basis for political, social, and cultural debate, filtered through the needs of propaganda of power and social achievement.

At the end of the Antiquity, Europe and the Mediterranean area are experiencing a complex urban culture, received and developed by the following periods. Architecture and scenographic cities still deal with urban behaviors in a debate which is increasingly stratified in space and time. This process gives way to the contemporary city experiences.

The conference, organized by the Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Architettonici e del Paesaggio of the Politecnico di Bari, aims to investigate the meaning of architecture and urban design in the Western cities from Hellenism to Post modernity, as far as architectural and design choices are concerned, as well as all the functions, social and cultural meanings that the city can assume.


For information download the call for paper

Lucania between two seas. Archaeology and Heritage

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12002International Colloquium organized by the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Programme Emergence (S) – Umr Arscan 7041, in collaboration with the Ecole Française de Rome, the Centre Jean Bérard, the l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura, the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, and the Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art.

Paris, November, 5-7, 2015


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Vincenzo La Rosa (1941-2014). A lesson for the future

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Vincenzo_La_RosaStudy Day. Catania – Noto, November 5-6,  2015


The study day organized by the University of Catania, in collaboration with the ISVNA, aims to commemorate the figure of the Vincenzo Rosa, his significant scientific contribution in the exploration of both worlds dearest to him, Sicily and Crete, conjugated to a teaching activity professed for over forty years.

His courses Indigenous civilization of Sicily and Aegean Archaeology and Antiquities have been an important reference point for the formation of several generations of archaeologists; as part of its long and successful academic career, he served as Director of the Center of Studies on the Greek Archeology of the National Research Council of Catania, vice- Director of the Italian Archaeological School of Athens, Director of the Centre of Cretan archeology, which he founded, weaving a fruitful dialogue with the international scientific community.

He directed excavations in Sicily (Centuripe, Milena) in Cyprus (Ayia Irini) but mostly contributed, with the excavation of Haghia Triada and Phaistos, in Crete, to the full understanding of two vital centers for the knowledge of the Minoan civilization.

His archaeological work, carried out with passion and rigor, his attentive and aware eye towards students are today an important heritage to draw from in order to project towards the new generations his lesson, a lesson for the future.


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