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Tag Archives: conservazione

La conservazione dei monumenti antichi in Sicilia. Il caso del de-restauro della fontana arcaica di Agrigento

scarica l’articolo in formato pdfLa conservazione dei monumenti antichi in Sicilia. Il caso del de-restauro della fontana arcaica di Agrigento

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santoroNotwithstanding a centuries-long tradition of conservation in Italy, the principal cause of degradation of Greek and Roman buildings is found principally in the lack of a standardised intervention methodology and in the use of inappropriate building materials, incompatible with the tectonics of the original building. In effect, from the 1920s until recently, restoration interventions with steel reinforcement bars and epoxy resins to buildings made originally of stone seem to have been carried out on the principal archaeological monuments throughout the Mediterranean area causing similar structural and formal damage, which is sometimes irreversible. The Italian position, different from the Greek one, even with increasingly frequent architectural emergencies, including building collapses, seems to offer only a glaring lack of preparation in methodology, procedure and technique in the proposing of solutions or long-term intervention programmes. Instead, there are temporary interventions, such as protective coverings or support scaffolding which, remaining in situ beyond their capacity for protection, have worsened the conservation status of the building, as has recently happened for the archaic fountain in Akragas. The partial de-restoration of the fountain reported in this paper is part of a critical close examination of the history of its restorations since its discovery, which has confirmed that inexact analyses and a succession of ineffective interventions have damaged the entire architectural setup, whose typological characteristics of construction require a full and definitive intervention.

Gli interventi degli anni ’90 del xx secolo. Il restauro dei templi di Paestum. Un caso di restauro interdisciplinare: i restauri finanziati con i fondi F.I.O.

scarica l’articolo in formato pdfGli interventi degli anni ’90 del xx secolo. Il restauro dei templi di Paestum. Un caso di restauro interdisciplinare: i restauri finanziati con i fondi F.I.O.

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martinesThe restoration of the temples of Paestum was carried out following an interdisciplinary project designed by Alessandra Melucco Vaccaro and Giuliana
Tocco, according to which the restoration must also provide for the subsequent maintenance. The work, financed by the resources of the Investment
Facility for Employment (FIO) and directed by the Author during the period 1995-2000, was preceded by preliminary investigations by the Central
Institute of Restoration and allowed to direct the executive project on the three temples, identifying the causes of deterioration and, in large lines, the
conservative treatments to be taken. The result was the definition of a “protocol for the preservation of buildings and archaeological areas”, in those years
rather innovative, which still has a great significance, since the restoration of the buildings was not the result of a single specialist, neither the arithmetic
sum of the contributions of different disciplines, it is instead the result of a choral ensemble
