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Aqua Marcia: per il cocciopesto un’applicazione sperimentale

Author: P. Montanari

Download article as .pdf: Aqua Marcia: per il cocciopesto un’applicazione sperimentale



A recent analysis of the Aqua Marcia situated into the Parco degli Acquedotti of Rome (July-September 2019), near the Casale di Roma Vecchia, has lead to the discovery of a new use of cocciopesto. In addition to the cocciopesto coating applied to the specus, Roman architects of the 2nd cent. BC used the same mixture of tile fragments of pozzolana, lime and sand for a different purpose: creating a further waterproofing system. Along the short side of every block of the duct, into the middle, rises a vertical groove filled with cocciopesto. As a matter of fact, this work belongs to the first phase of the aqueduct (144 BC) and seems to represent the oldest manifestation of this particular use in an opus quadratum monument. Both the Aqua Appia and the Anio Vetus, to the best of our knowledge, do not display this construction technique. Although the cocciopesto made its appearance long time before, as shown, for example, in Latium Vetus, by the Segni Project, we can argue that the Aqua Marcia presents a revolutionary solution: the use of cocciopesto within the flutes, added to the linings of the channel, gave the work an extra waterproofing power.

La meta sudans augustea: note per una sua ricostruzione

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canteTra il 2002 e il 2003 nel cantiere di scavo dell’Università di Roma “La Sapienza” nella piazza del Colosseo, presso l’arco di Costantino, si ebbe uno straordinario rinvenimento. Proprio al di sotto della fontana di età flavia, nota come Meta Sudans, emersero i resti, immediatamente riconoscibili, di un monumento analogo: una fontana di epoca augustea del tutto simile a quella flavia, ma di dimensioni inferiori. Oltre ai resti in situ, lo scavo ha restituito anche diversi blocchi in marmo di Luni appartenenti alla decorazione architettonica del saliente. Questi elementi hanno consentito l’ipotesi di ricostruzione del monumento che viene presentata in questa sede.


Between 2002 and 2003 in the excavation site of the University of Rome “La Sapienza” in front of the Colosseum, near the Arch of Constantine,an extraordinary discovery was carried out. Just below the fountain of the Flavian age, known as Meta Sudans, the remains of a similar monument has been identified: a fountain of the Augustan age, very similar to the Flavian one, but smaller. Besides the remains in situ several blocks in Luni marble were also recovered, belonging to the architectural decoration of the salient. These elements have enabled the hypothesis of reconstruction of the monument, which is presented here.

download article as .pdf: La meta sudans augustea: note per una sua ricostruzione