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Journal of archaeology and ancient architecture

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D. Matetić Poljak, K. Marasović (a cura di), Asmosia XI, Interdisciplinary Studies on Ancient Stone

Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference of ASMOSIA, Split, 18-22 May 2015, Split 2018.


ISBN 978-953-6617-49-4, 987-953-6116-75-1

e-ISBN 978-953-6617-51-7, 978-953-6116-79-9


The huge volume, of more than 1000 pages, collects the proceedings of the last Conference – the eleventh, held at Split in 2015 – organized by the ASMOSIA Association; as known, the association aims to develop new studies about marbles and other stones employed in Antiquity, providing steadily updated data. The book is divided into eight thematic sections, each one focusing on single or homogenous topics: from the analysis of archaeological issues connected with the use of marbles to the precise identification of their provenance and quarries; from the use of new methodologies and techniques to recent studies on geological aspects and quarry administration; specific analysis regarding marble restoration and painting on marbles and stones are addressed as well. The last – really interesting – part focuses on the Adriatic region.


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Valeria Parisi, I depositi votivi negli spazi del rito. Analisi dei contesti per un’archeologia della pratica cultuale nel mondo siceliota e magnogreco

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Parisi depositi votivi ROSSA x SCELTA STAMPA.inddSupplementi e monografie della rivista Archeologia classica; 14, n.s. 11, Roma, «L’Erma» di Bretschneider, 2017, 632 pp.: ill.

ISBN 978-88-913-0845-0

ISBN 978-88-913-0843-6 e-book



On the topic of votive deposits, archaeological literature has traditionally shown greater interest in the content of the deposition rather than in the deposition itself, proposing descriptive and formal analysis of offerings and works of art, often extrapolated from contextual data. Although more recently a greater scientific sensitivity has begun to be observed towards the votive deposit, intended as an archaeological category endowed with a high cognitive potential for the reconstruction of ritual practices, so far there has been no study – analytical or synthetic – on the subject. Hence the intention to fill this vacuum, starting from a wide and rigorously selected documentary base. Through the mapping of the colonial areas of Greek culture in Sicily and Southern Italy, in a period between the end of the 8th and the 4th-3rd centuries BC, so as to be able to grasp the beginnings of the devotional practice and its recession/transformation, the book proposes the processing of typologies of deposits, i.e. models to classify and differentiate the votive complexes, in order to overcome the disorder, even terminological, often present in research on this topic. Included within the palimpsest of the Greek religion, the votive deposits emerge as complex systems in which objects, spaces, participants and gestures coexist in close relationship. Moreover, the data and the developed interpretative instruments represent a useful tool to read the phenomenon of votive depositions in its general and specific features, potentially exportable also in other chronological and cultural contexts.


Valeria Parisi is a PhD in Archaeology and Research Fellow at Sapienza – University of Rome, where she collaborates in research and teaching for the Chair of Classical Archaeology. She coordinates the scientific and didactic works of the archaeological excavation at Satyrion (Taranto). Among her main research interests, the archaeology of cult and the Greek religion – with particular attention to the reconstruction of ritual practices through the documentation offered by material culture – the study of terracotta figurines, especially in their semantic and functional aspects, and the Greek colonization in Southern Italy, in particular in relation to the early stages of the founding of apoikiai.


Further information: «L’Erma» di Bretschneider 

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Maria Teresa Grassi, Palmira. Storie straordinarie dell’antica metropoli d’Oriente

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mtg-palmiraSeries ‘Clessidre’, ed. Edizioni Terra Santa, Milan 2017, pp. 160

ISBN: 978-88-6240-478-5, EAN: 9788862404785


Palmira’s fame is unfortunately related to the dramatic war that, since 2011, disrupts Syria and has overwhelmed the country, its people, and its cultural heritage. The UNESCO World Heritage site since 1980 (and the UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2013) has been devastated by spectacular destruction, used as a backdrop for mass murder and deeply hit by the barbarous assassination of Khaled al-As’ad, Director of the Archaeological area and Museum for forty years, almost as if to wipe out its memory. Palmira has become a symbolic site of the massacre in place of our cultural heritage, but does not deserve to be just that in the collective imagination, and its history, monuments, art, inscriptions deserve to be recounted, described, remembered. For this book some particularly significant themes to understand Palmira, ranging from urbanism to the political, social, economic and religious history of the site, were selected. They reveal the complexity and peculiarities of the great city, halfway between Mesopotamia and Mediterranean, not only because of the location of the oasis, but also for the singular culture that has developed there.


Maria Teresa Grassi teaches Archeology of the Roman Provinces at the University of Milan and has directed, along with Waleed al-As’ad (son of Khaled), the joint Italian-Syrian archaeological mission of Palmira (PAL.MAIS), which has operated on the site from 2007 to November 2010.


List of contents:

– Palmyra between past, present and future

– A Piedmontese in Palmyra: Other trips

– Columns: Building a Colonnade Road

– Zenobia

– Two Zeus and others: Temples, rites, priests

– Tombs

– Family Portraits: New Research Methods

– Caravans

– Living in the oasis

– Palmyra over Palmyra

– Bibliographic note

A. Muller/E. Lafli (eds.), Figurines de terre cuite en Méditerranée grecque et romaine

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BCH_Supp_54_Livre .indbVol 1: Production, diffusion, étude. École française d’Athènes, in Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, supplément 54 (Paris/Athens, École française d’Athènes 2016). Pp. 517.

 ISBN: 978-2-86958-274-3.

The two volumes are the result of the Franco-Turkish co-operation between the Department of Archaeology of the Dokuz Eylül University in Izmir, the École française d’Athènes and the Research Centre Halma UMR 8164 University of Lille 3, Human and Social Sciences,; the volumes collect the Acts of the Congress of Izmir (Izmir, 2-6 June 2007) for  the circulation of an impressive collection of new data on the subject of ancient coroplastic.


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To order the book:

École française d’Athènes, 6, Odos Didotou, Kolonaki,

GR-10680 Athens.

Tel.: +30.210.367 99 22.


Hierapolis of Phrygia VIII.1-2. The activities of the excavation and restoration campaigns 2007-2011

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hierapolisdifrigia_viii_bAs part of the series “Hierapolis of Phrygia,” directed by Francesco D’Andria, is now released the volume VIII, in two parts, F. D’Andria, M.P. Caggia, Ismaelli T. (eds), Hierapolis Of Phrygia VIII. 1-2 The activities of the excavation and restoration campaigns 2007-2011, Yayinlari publisher, Istanbul 2016, 911 pp., with b/w and color illustrations, in Italian with summaries in Turkish.

Vol. VIII.1: ISBN 978-605-9680-12-7

Vol. VIII.2: ISBN 978-605-9680-13-4

The publication, dedicated to the memory of Maria Pia Rossignani, has been produced with the financial contribution of the Italian Ministry of Education for the project “Landscape Archaeology in Anatolia: multidisciplinary research in Hierapolis of Phrygia and the Salbakos region ” (PRIN – Relevant National Interest Projects, 2008).


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Archeology and art in the Dodecanese in Late Antiquity

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Kollis figura2Αρχαιολογία και Τέχνη στα Δωδεκάνησα κατά την Ύστερη Αρχαιότητα

Πρακτικά ημερίδας στη μνήμη του Ηλία Κόλλια, Ρόδος 19 Νοεμβρίου 2011


Proceedings of the Conference in memory of Elias Kollias, Rhodes November 19, 2011,

edited by N. Zarras, MI Stefanakis, Eulimene Series 2, ΜΕΣΟΓΕΙΑΚΗ ΑΡΧΑΙΟΛΟΓΙΚΗ ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΑ, Rethymno 2014, pp. 220

ISBN 978-618-80666-1-8


The volume, dedicated to the memory of Elias Kollias and published with the support of the Metropolis of Rhodes, which financed a research project on the study of archaeology and art of the Dodecanese in Late Antiquity, collects the papers presented at the final seminar, held in Rhodes, on November 19, 2011. The research program was carried out by the Department of Mediterranean Studies of the University of the Aegean, in cooperation with the 4th Ephorate of Byzantine Antiquities of the Dodecanese. The decision to dedicate the volume to Elias Kollias, a scholar who devoted all his life to the study and, as Superintendent, to the preservation of the architectural heritage of the Dodecanese, arises from the fact that many of the presented papers are in continuity with his own line of research, which ranged from archaeology, art history, numismatics.


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Σοφία άδολος . Τιμητικός τόμος για τον Ιωάννη Χρ. Παπαχριστοδούλου

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Immagine copertina περ σιτο(Papers in honor of Ioannis Chr. Papachristodoulou)

Υπουργείο Πολιτισμού και Αθλητισμού / Αρχαιολογικό Ινστιτούτο Αιγαιακών Σπουδών

Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sport / Archaeological Institute of Aegean Studies

Rhodes 2014 – ISBN 978-618-81342-1-8


Edited by Pavlos Triandaphyillidis, in 2014 a volume of papers in honor of Ioannis Chr. Papachristodoulou, former Director of  the 22° Prehistoric-classical Ephorate of Dodecanese, was published. The rich volume (630 pp.) contains 34 contributions of epigraphic and archaeological character for the most part about the Dodecanese islands.


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Archeologia protobizantina a Kos. La città e il complesso episcopale

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Copertina per sito def.Isabella Baldini and Monica Livadiotti editors

Series DiSCi 6, Bononia University Press, Bologna 2015, pp. 1-537

ISSN 2284-3523, ISBN 978-88-7395-991-5


In 2011, in the series “Studies and Excavations” of the former Department of Archaeology, the volume on research in the suburban area of St. Gabriel in Kos was published (Isabella Baldini and Monica Livadiotti editors, Archeologia protobizantina a Kos. La basilica di S. Gabriele). The volume illustrated the result of research carried out between 2006 and 2009 in collaboration with the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the Polytechnic of Bari.

That work is now joined by the present volume, which focuses on the urban topography of Kos through a series of contributions that allow to compose the overall picture of the town during the late antiquity. The image of a city that maintains a remarkable tone for both urban extension and monumental effort is confirmed. The book publishes the results of the archaeological campaigns conducted between 2007 and 2013 in the Western Baths district, where from the age of Justinian a new and large episcopal complex, in use until the eighth century, is implanted. The aim was to contextualize the development of the Christian complex by considering the relationship with the previous phases (a Hellenistic gymnasium and a large Imperial baths) and its settlement context.

The researches, carried out in an interdisciplinary way and again in cooperation between the DiSCi of the Alma Mater University of Bologna and the DICAR of the Polytechnic of Bari, have been carried out in accordance with the Ephorate of Antiquities of Dodecanese (Rhodes).

The results bring new methodological contributions with particular regard to the analysis of materials and to the stratigraphy of architectural structures, until the drawings, considered as a cognitive step, and the enhancement projects of the archaeological site. The work has been completed by an extensive bibliography and the summaries in English of all the contributions.


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Cultes et sanctuaires de l’île de Cos

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Le culte des mortsAuthor:  Stéphanie Paul

Kernos, Supplément 28, 2013, pp. 442, 12 figures, 2 maps.

ISBN : 978-2-87562-029-3


In 366 BC , the different communities on the island of Kos, in the Southern Sporades, come together through synoichism in one city, located now on the northeastern tip of the island, in a strategically and economically more advantageous location, off the coast of Caria. This change has profoundly influenced the religious landscape of the island, resulting in the reorganization and reconfiguration of its pantheon and religious behaviours. Through a careful blend between new religions and ancestral traditions, this reform gave a recently formed community the possibility to reach the cohesion of a shared religious identity. Registrations on epigraphs of several provisions of worship and the important building activity in the sanctuaries continued in Kos until at least the first century BC , attesting the vitality of coan religion during the Hellenistic period. The abundance of documentary texts makes Kos an ideal place to study the religious practices of the ancient Greeks and to interpret their polytheism at the local level, illustrating the richness, complexity and dynamics of a regional pantheon.


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Il tempio di Ercole a Sabratha. Architettura e contesto urbano

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copertina ridottaAuthor: Sergio Aiosa

Monografie di Archeologia Libica XXXIII, Roma, L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2012, pp. 232, ill. 209 b/n, 28 tav. f.t.

ISBN 978-88-8265-771-0


It is the important edition of the religious complex of Hercules at Sabratha (Libya), of considerable interest for the knowledge of Roman architecture in the II-III century. A.D. The building, already identified by Giacomo Guidi in 1935 but completely excavated by Giacomo Caputo since 1938, is located in the insula 7 of the Regio V and consists of a porch enclosure at the center of which stands the temple, according to a typology, that of the templum cum porticibus, which, although spread in other zones of the Empire, it is very well attested in the area. Sergio Aiosa, by paying greater attention to the architectural consistency of the complex and its relationship with the urban plan, complements an earlier edition, signed by the same Caputo with F. Ghedini (Monografie di Archeologia Libica XIX, 1984), mostly dedicated to the important cycle of wall paintings that decorates the interior perimeter walls of the two terminal apses of the side porches.


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